Katrina, a single mom of five-year-old Cooper and nineteen-month-old Claudia, contacted Vanessa Behan explaining that she desperately needed a break and stated she was going to “pull her hair out.” Katrina shared that she could not remember the last time she had five quiet minutes to herself and she feared she would lose it if she did not reach out for help. Our caring staff never passed judgment on the situation she was in, but treated her as we do any other family-with caring support.
Shortly after her call, Katrina brought Claudia and Cooper to Vanessa Behan. For the next 24-hours, Claudia and Cooper had a blast exploring our play areas, building forts out of foam blocks with friends, and working on art projects, never having to experience their mom’s breaking point. For Katrina, this was the crucial time she needed for self-care and to destress. Katrina returned to pick-up her children the next day, energized and ready for her kids.
Asking for help is hard, parenting is even harder, but because of supporters like you, Katrina and her kiddos had somewhere to turn.
As we recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month, we cannot thank you enough for your continued support in helping ensure Vanessa Behan remains a stable resource for hundreds of children and parents in our community this month, and every month of the year. THANK YOU!
*To protect the privacy of our families, names and ages of parents and children in this story have been altered.